Hope in Science Fiction, and More

In Makr's ShadowThe cover of In Makr’s Shadow  is a dark representation of what confronts my heroes, who are mostly young adults seeing this world’s reality for the first time. In any dystopia, reality appears forbidding and hopeless.  The idea is to make a statement at the end–be it hope, regret, submission or rebellion. I chose “hope,” so all is not lost

In Makr’s Shadow. The enemy is not human. So, the destruction and deaths occur not only because of man indirectly but because of a machine–in this case an evolving artificial intelligence. The world is a realistic extrapolation of society today with one exception. We have placed an evolving artificial intelligence to save the world from us. And the sentient entity is doing just that by taking charge.

Ninety percent of the population see their world as the status quo, and see no reason to change it. Ten percent see reality and know the rest of humanity is content living in a fantasy world. Outside of Makr’s direct control, these people cope with reality the best way they can–by accepting, coexisting, worshipping and resisting it.

The Shadow People, about one percent of the population, form the only resistance, centered around Makr’s main server.  Battling Makr’s evolving machine creations seems a losing battle, but The Shadows People must continue the fight, hoping to win back control of their planet. Makr sees them as a minor annoyance but must deal with them before they affect His ability to control the rest of humanity–even if it means killing all of them.

The ongoing war is helpful in questioning other technologies, and in extrapolating the soft sciences that include psychology, sociology, anthropology and religion. More importantly, the war is a backdrop to see how the protagonists in my novel behave.

This blog may be a precursor to some blogs that have followed. Still good information I think in getting readers interested in reading between the lines of my book. There’s plenty, beginning with title. What do you think?

By the way, I’ve dropped the price a buck, and if you think you’d like to review it, I’ll send you a free copy. Heck, just for sending me an email, I’ll send you a free copy.

It’s never been my way to follow a tradition without trying to create one of my own. I am a writer. To truly be one, I need to have an audience. It’s easier on stage because there you are in front me and I feel your feedback. But that’s acting. I’ve been told I can “charm the nuts off a squirrel.” I say “Enough charm! Dig deep! Discover our ‘Twilight Zone’.”

Blogs are one thing, novels are another. I may not play by all the “rules,” but my heart is pure. I want to share ideas and explore who we think we are and what we really are.