In Makr’s Shadow on Sale!

In Makr's ShadowFrom In Makr’s Shadow:

“In what used to be a city, lurking in the darkness of an alley, Captain Carlos Montoya stood facing the ambush point, an ancient asphalt pavement with deep potholes that looked more like crevasses, craters that looked like canyons, with eroded, saw-like jagged edges that could shred a man before he could fall to the bottom to die. Of course, there was also the possibility of simply falling through the existing turf.

“Carlos fidgeted as much as any Shadow could and remain invisible to the outside world. Waiting days shrouded in darkness for the Cyber to move from point A to B was nothing. Still, he was always unnerved to come out of hiding. Carlos and his people remained hidden in the shadows all their lives; they were his soldiers, warriors, or guerillas. His soldiers fought and died, his warriors were heroic and his guerrillas were stealthy. It all depended on Carlos’ state of mind. Today they were warriors.

“His warriors waited anxiously in the shadows of a building cluster; they were cocked like a weapon system, ready to explode and destroy.

“Like the rest of his people, Carlos dressed head-to-toe with a Stealth cloak that made him virtually invisible, a shadow blending in the darkness and gloomy fog. His telltale heat signature vanished as his body’s radiated warmth dissipated evenly through the rough-hewed fabric.

“It was the same for the group of fifteen smoky apparitions behind him that also merged easily into the nightshade. Focusing his attention on the immediate darkest areas that lay between the buildings up ahead, he stood poised, ready for this encounter with Makr’s Cyber Protectors. With luck, he would see his enemy before it detected him.”

In Makr’s Shadow is available in Kindle, Nook, Kobo and other epub formats. For a limited time only, I’m offering it for free via Smashwords. Click here on the image to go to the page. Available on Smashwords web page in all formats. The only difference is in how you upload to your device or app as well as your computer.


2 responses to “In Makr’s Shadow on Sale!

  1. Pingback: In Makr's Shadow on Sale! - #nerdalert

  2. Reblogged this on Shaw's Reality and commented:

    In Makr’s Shadow is free for a limited time only on Smashwords. Click on the cover image to reach the web page. The novel is still available as a Kindle, Nook, Kobo book, and available through most book stores that sell ebooks. Previously published as Harry’s Reality.

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